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Well, MTHFR!! It’s Official!

Well, MTHFR!!! It’s official! We all have that damn gene mutation...

In addition to 30-40% of the population, most of which have never even heard about it! It seems wild to me that I’ve lived this many years with it and had NO IDEA about it.🤷🏼‍♀️


If you’re just tuning in and have no idea what I’m talking about, see my latest blog post from July...


We knew Aston, our 20 month old, had it. We tested him (simple cheek swab from Naturopath) due to all of his food allergies. Because he is a carrier, that meant either my husband or I am too. Then, we tested Adler, our 3 year old. We did an easy at home cheek swab test and got the results back in a few weeks. Guess what, he’s positive too. Not surprising.😐You can also get the test done through 23andMe ($200) or My Home MTHFR ($150). The one we got through our Naturopath was $65. Happy to connect you with her if interested.


So, here is the latest info you may be interested in. (Keep in mind I’m no doctor or medical professional...just a mom on a mission to gather as much info as possible and share it forward.) There is an A variance and a C variance. In a nutshell from what I’ve gathered, the C variance relates more to cardiovascular issues, stroke, cancer, etc. The A variance has more to do with stress, emotional, anxiety, depression, etc.  Miscarriage & Fertility issues can also be related to this. Our boys are double positive for the A variance, which means both my husband and I are’s a MTHF’N party up in our house! 💃🏼 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼😫


The good news is we’re already living a healthy lifestyle which makes a HUGE difference in combating this gene mutation. But, it’s definitely helpful to be aware of what we really should be avoiding, and the specific supplements that can be beneficial vs detrimental.


A healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise, and gut health are super important, so make sure you’re taking probiotics. B vitamins are also key...BUT, they must be pre-methylated and must have folate vs folic acid. I’m in the process of finding the best one for the boys, ideally in liquid form. I welcome any suggestions and will share what we decide to go with.



👍🏼 Focus on gut health and take daily probiotics...

👍🏼 Consume natural folate (not folic acid), Vitamin B6 and B12, Omega 3’s, CoQ10, Vitamins C, D, and E...

👍🏼 Eat Clean: Beans/Lentils, Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Avocado, Colorful Fruits , Raw/Fermented foods, bone broth, wild caught fish, flax/chia seeds, nuts, coconut oil, and grass fed meat if you’re a meat eater...

👍🏼 Avoid Gluten, Sugar, Dairy, Vegetable Oils...the obvious!!!


Side Note: If you’re a carrier, you can be exempt from vaccines because the toxic chemicals are too much for your body to process. Process that.🤔


We already carry a huge toxic load from our environment...every bit helps, so we do the best we can by focusing on smart lifestyle choices, right?🙌🏼


So, who has MTHFR tips to share?!?!


My super boys ❤️💙 

Thanks Blippi

One bad MTHFR